Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Avatar

Hey there folks, it's me again! Well thats kinda obvious but..... Yeah. So, I've been dying to see a 3D movie in the cinemas and I had already booked tickets with some of my other friends to watch it. Just so happens, it's a "special edition" of Avatar. The blue Avatar not the four-colored one. :) Get what I mean? Well, I munched down 3 freaking bags of Spicy Chipsters and it felt gooooood.

To be honest, it wasn't really that good. The thing was the stupid 3D glasses. It was freaking painful after some time and it didn't give a wide range of sight. That wasn't good and irritated me when I wanted to drink my coke or eat my Chipsters. I mean, the 3D effects weren't even as good as I thought it would be and I am cautioning all of you out there to not watch these movies as they waste your money. Why not just sit back and relax and watch a real movie. :)

I don't have much time tonight, or maybe this MORNING as it has just passed the midnight mark but, I'm Gates and warning about these 3D movies. Bye!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Fateful Day

Another fateful day precedes as I loiter around doing nothing. Exams are coming ever closer but as I always say: "Who gives a crap :)" Now, I find it more interesting to blog while I'm bored with my exams. I wonder why? *Sarcastic Expression* I just hate it when sarcasm doesn't transfer well through texts and the internet. It makes things so much more robotic and less interesting.

I've suddenly found online social sites such as Facebook interesting due to my lack of soul and attention while studying. I keep playing the same songs over and over in my head and die because of Post Music Listening but Forgot Lyrics Syndrome also known as PMLFLS or POMULIFOL. People suffering from this disease may suffer severe depression when unable to recall lyrics resulting in drastic online searches for lyrics which also results in wasting time waiting for the page to load a million advertisements before a pop-up "pops up" and disrupts the user, making him/her flail in mad and wild anger while singing to the song with the lyrics on screen on a You-Tube video.

Recently, I've developed a taste for parodies scattered all around the web. Actually it's only You-Tube but....... Who gives a crap :) Personally, I love The Key of Awesome by Barelypolitical. Their parodies come in different varieties, some grosser than the others while some making you laugh so hard you'll puke yesterday's constipated crap out. I'm sorry to be so harsh but I'm trying to be "Amusing" Check their You-Tube channel out here.

Now, I think I'm also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress DIGESTION because I keep going to the toilet after I stressed out on my pile of books. It's like I suck in information and pass out the same thing in my toilet. I think that's why I don't get any smarter. =.= Well, I think I've said enough for now and as my MUM says, GAMBATEH. Which is somehow retarded when she says it but I still love her :) It has it's motivating purposes. XD

Friday, August 27, 2010

Techmalurgical Advancement

I know, I know, the title sounds crappy right? It was the only thing I could think of so..... Deal with it. :) Lately, I've been having lots of things on my mind but sometimes, I'm still bored out of my wits. Exams are around the corner and everybody's treating it lightly. Maybe I should put out the fire under their hot air balloons or something. Well, I'm getting real bored of Malaysian history syllabus and its just plain boring. Nothing to really be interested about except for countless lost battles. I keep asking myself, why do I study? For exams? For grades? Research has already shown that Malaysia is an exam-oriented country and all of us study for exams only. Which really sucks but I can't do anything about it so....... Yeah. That sucks.

And, I find out that my state, Perak, is the dumbest state in my country. -.-||. So we're having a combined exam that has the same date for every school in Perak. Well, enough about study. Now about my life. My life has been going on quite well, some ups and downs, getting yelled at for being "slow-minded", yelling back at the teach and rebuking. Well, the works. My life is simple and enjoyable but sometimes twisted, manipulative and illogical. But I always seem to be able to pull out at the end and save myself from anything bad that is about to come. I think that's my "special social ability" and I think everybody has one too.

Well, now I have gotten my Poom belt already and I'm actually teaching other belts to do their Tageuk ( Taekwondo Patterns ). It's been quite fun seeing as I can order them around. :) Just joking. Haha. I even got my new DSLR camera that everyone has been envying. It's a NEX-3 Sony DSLR Semi-Pro which is suitable for my stupid standards. It's actually my first camera and I hope it stays for 10 years++. Lol. Even though I don't think it will survive under my hazardous aura. Haha.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Exams are coming up fast and it's exhilarating to be in the speed of things. But, some things are just going on too fast and you have to say goodbye to them soon. I haven't prepared for my exams yet even though I know they're coming really fast. My school is one of the schools that is having the exams at a really really late time. It's on the 30th of August, until 3rd of September. I know I am going to die in the History exam but I will do my best and keep my rep. If I even have a rep. LOL. Several things are going on at once and it's a little frustrating to keep up with events but I'm just winging it and hope for the best.